If you have ever thought that lavender looks good enough to eat, you’re right! Executive Chef Stevie Provencio offers up this recipe for lavender chicken that you can make at home – it’s easier than it sounds, gorgeous to serve and delicious for dinner. The secret to this succulent chicken is the overnight brining. Make it now while there is still fresh lavender to be had and enjoy it with a robust white wine like this 2018 King Estate Quail Run Roussanne-Marsanne, available through our website.
Lavender Chicken
Brine recipe
1 gallon water
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup salt
2 lemons, juiced
1/8 cup fresh lavender
6 bags of favorite tea (I like Meadow from Smith Tea)
Bring all ingredients to boil, cool completely. Submerge whole chicken in brine, cover and refrigerate overnight.

Glaze recipe:
½ cup pure honey
1 T sherry vinegar
2 T fresh lavender
Add ingredients to saucepan and reduce by half until thick and syrupy.
For the chicken:
Weigh the chicken to determine roasting time; about 5 pounds is ideal. Truss with butcher’s twine. Pat very dry with paper towel. Season with salt and fresh cracked black pepper. Roast in oven at 400 degrees for 30 minutes to crisp up skin. After 30 minutes, lower oven temperature to 300 degrees. Remove chicken and glaze with a pastry brush. Return to oven and continue to glaze every 15 minutes until chicken is cooked through and reads 165 in the thickest part of the leg. It takes roughly 20-25 minutes per pound, depending on the oven.